دستاوردهاي فارغ‌التحصيلان



آينده بشر در فضا و نقش فناوري‌هاي نوين ساخت

سخنران: دكتر بهرخ خوشنويس


Ever since early human history humanity has always been on the move, expanding its territory and reaching out to even remotest locations on our planet. This spirit of expansion is not likely to seize. The modern space plans and technologies will bring the colonization of the Moon and Mars much closer and make mainstream activities of humans, such as manufacturing, common place in space. A review of some the speaker's international award winning technologies will be presented.

دریافت لینک سخنرانی


پروتكل‌هاي تعامل، خروجي‌هاي قابل‌بكارگيري يك فرآيند مدل‌سازي

سخنران: دكتر فرهاد ارباب


Many aspects of daily life, from finance and economy to health, safety, and security, to transportation and entertainment, today rely on a backbone of ICT. The distributed nature of this infrastructure increasingly makes protocols that engage various (human and/or automated) actors to accomplish some goal, more important than the actors themselves: the protocols must ensure certain required properties hold for the interactions among their engaged actors, regardless of the intentions, functionality, or behavior of those actors. Concurrency theory studies interaction protocols. However, all traditional models of concurrency (e.g., process algebras) are action-based models for direct specification of things that interact, rather than a direct specification of interaction protocols. Consequently, interaction in these formalisms becomes a derived, secondary concept whose properties can be studied only indirectly, as the side-effects of the unfolding of the actions of their actors. Protocols specified in action-based models are generally not scalable and cannot be composed. Treating interaction as an explicit first-class concept, complete with its own composition operators, allows to specify more complex interaction protocols by combining simpler, and eventually primitive, protocols. Reo serves as a premier example of such an interaction-based model of concurrency. In this talk, we describe Reo and its support tools. We show how in this setting, interaction protocols become explicit, concrete, tangible (software) constructs that can be specified, verified, composed, and reused, independently of the actors that they may engage in disparate applications.

 دریافت اسلایدهای سخنرانی


آموزش کاربردی مهندسی و توسعه فن آوری در قالب امکانات دانشگاه

سخنران: دكتر محمد دورعلي

چكيده: آموزش مهندسی در کشوردر دو دهه اخیر در اسارت پدیده مقاله‌گرایی افتاده و سیاستهای غلط حمایتی و تشویفی بر پایه تعداد مقالات (و نه کیفیت و اثر بخشی آنها) فارغ‌التحصیلان جوان و اساتید کشور را به خود مشغول داشته است که این امر توان بالقوه نیروهای نخبه کشور را به سوی خود کشیده و از مسیر اهداف آموزش و کاربرد مهندسی دور نموده است. از طرف دیگر مقادیر عظیمی ارز در این مدت صرف خرید تکنولوژی حتی به کرات و بصورت موازی توسط تولیدکنندگان داخلی و شرکتهای مختلف شده که اگر سازو کار مناسب در کشور پیش‌بینی می‌شد می‌توانست زمینه‌ساز توسعه فن‌آوریهای مختلف در کشور و استفاده از توانایی بیکران فارغ‌التحصیلان ارزشمند کشور گردد. این سخنرانی به بررسی عملکرد یک مرکز فن‌آوری خودجوش در در دانشگاه صنعتی شریف که در 20 سال گذشته توانسته تجارب موفقی در این زمینه داشته باشد می‌پردازد.


كاربرد ريزشبكه‌هاي قدرت در فراهم‌سازي امنيت، قابليت اطمينان و صرفه اقتصادي در شهرهاي هوشمند

سخنران: دكتر محمد شاهيده‌پور


Microgrids represent a small-scale version of centralized electric power systems which are established by local communities in smart cities. Microgrids also promote the use of real-time pricing and demand response for optimizing the distributed control of electric power systems. In addition, microgrids achieve specific goals pertaining to distributed power systems which include higher reliability and fewer outages, higher resilience with self-healing capabilities, higher sustainability with more diversification of energy resources, a more comprehensive control of wireless devices for managing the cyber security, and higher energy efficiency and lower operating costs. Microgrids provide a more robust control of integrated renewable resources at a community level and allow customer participations in the operation of an electricity infrastructure. This presentation will highlight some of the key issues in the design and the operation of microgrids and discuss the role of recent innovations and, in particular, the significance of smart grid applications to power system operations and control. The presentation will also discuss the design and the operation of a hybrid AC/DC nanogrid, and a green data center, which are sponsored by the U.S. funding agencies and implemented at Illinois Institute of Technology.

  دریافت اسلایدهای سخنرانی

نقش سازمان‌هاي مردم نهاد در جامعه

سخنران: مهندس زهرا رحيمي خامنه، مهندس فرزاد حسيني حسين‌آبادي


 دریافت اسلایدهای سخنرانی

معرفي پارك فناوري پرديس

سخنران: مهندس اكبر قنبرپور

 دریافت اسلایدهای سخنرانی
